PROJECT: Website Redesign/Rebrand
SCOPE: Our long-time client National Development Institute approached us for a website redesign and rebrand. We had developed their previous website and brand identity years before. However, they were going into their 35th year as a firm and wanted to create something that reflected their long standing history of supporting nonprofit organization development.
We created a new logo that features a crown with five points. The five points on the crown represent the 5 areas of the nonprofit sector NDI serves. Education, Religion, The Arts, The Environment and Health & Human Welfare. We chose a crown as the logo to represent authority, legitimacy, and tradition as NDI has been serving nonprofits through education for over 30 years.
For the website, NDI wanted to showcase more events as they had increased the capacity for the number of monthly events each year.
The website features an event booking system that is not only user friendly, it collects all of the necessary information needed for event organizers to manage attendees easily and efficiently.